Standalone library

digiCamControl can be used as standalone library. For more information check the CameraControlDevices.sln example project.

To install library use NuGet (install latest beta, the older packages versions contain some errors, so use the latest beta ):

Install-Package CameraControl.Devices -Version 2.0.73-beta

Usage example

DeviceManager = new CameraDeviceManager();

Start listening for cameras, this should be called only once at start of the application


When a camera is connnected or disconnected the following events are called

DeviceManager.CameraConnected += DeviceManager_CameraConnected;
DeviceManager.CameraDisconnected += DeviceManager_CameraDisconnected;

Capture a photo with auto focus


Set a camera property

DeviceManager.SelectedCameraDevice.IsoNumber.Value = "100";

Camera properties can be used directly in WPF bindings because implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface