
This is a WORK IN PROGRESS documentation for a new application, which is designed to be more simple and faster that the original application. The application base functionality is the product/studio photography. The application workflow Start -> Capture -> Edit -> Publish The captured photos are stored in a temporary folder after capture the photos are copied in a specified location when photos are Published/Exported


  • Define camera profiles
  • Capture multiple photo with one click
  • Reorder captured photo
  • Set grid for live view image (Rule Of Third,Golden Ratio,Dynamic Symmetry)
  • Crop photos
  • Edit captured photo color, levels
  • Full screen full size review
  • Apply edits to all photo with a single click
  • Save all setting as profile for later reuse
  • Remove background (WIP)
  • Export to disk multiple sizes for a single photos
  • Export to FTP
  • Export to Amazon S3 (PLANED)

In this windows you can set the session name, default camera profile or select a saved profile. A profile store the last captured and not exported photos, crop settings, default image settings.


This windows start with live view on, all panel related to the capture process except crop settings, the crop settings will be applied to the all images if the option is activated. Image list can be reordered using mouse dragging


In this windows can be altered the image color properties and can be removed the image background. Every operation can be done for every images, to apply same setting to the all images you can use the right side panel first button or you can save a settings for later use using second button in this way when you use the selected profile same settings will be applied automatically.


Here you can define multiple procedure to export/publish photos. New export option can be added using "+" from left upper side. There are some predefined tags for file naming, for every tag can be used some special formatters (C# string.Format formatters)

  • ImageNumber - the image position in the image list
  • CaptureDate - date and time when image was captured (pc time not the camera time)
  • SessionName - the name of the session defined in the start windows
  • SessionCounter - counter of the session, this will be incremented after every export